From 1843 onwards the Academy publishes the results of its activities in her Annales and from 1868 until 1929 also in her Bulletin. In 1931 the Annales are replaced by the Revue belge d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'art = Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Oudheidkunde en Kunstgeschiedenis that is published annually. The Tables and the Indices of the volumes that appeared between 1931 and 1991, were published as a supplement to volume 61 (1992). The contents of all the volumes are also available through a search engine. At the bottom of this screen a link is provided to this search engine which also gives access to the full texts of the necrologies and the abstracts of the conferences in the language of their original publication in the Revue as well as to the abstracts of all the articles published during the last 25 years. These abstracts are available in English, French and Dutch.
The Revue contains articles, miscellanea, book reviews, reports of meetings and a list of the members of the Academy. Until 2002 it also contained a bibliography of the national history of art. This project was subsequently continued on this website until 2008.
The Revue is published by the Commission for Publications under the presidency of the Vice-President of the Academy. The members of the Commission are appointed for a term of three years by the General Assembly of the Academy. The composition of the current Commission can be found on this website. Since 2007 the Commission is assisted by an International Scientific Council. The composition of the Scientific Council can be found on the same webpage. Claire Dumortier has been appointed to the directorship of the Revue. She is responsible for the general management and the contacts with the authors.
Each article is submitted anonymously to three members of the Commission or the Scientific Council. The Commission accepts only one reaction to an article or a book review and only one reply.
If you wish to publish in the Revue please mail as soon as possible to publica [at] acad.betarget="_blank" rel="noopener external nofollow".
Currently, the price of the Revue is 65 EUR for individuals who order and collect directly from the Academy. Libraries and distributors pay 100 EUR, shipping charges are included in this price. For more information on the Revue or for orders please contact publica [at] or its director Claire Dumortier (dumortier.claire [at] gmail.comtarget="_blank" rel="noopener external nofollow").